Wednesday, October 15, 2008

6 Weeks Down, 12 To Go - Let's Reflect

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We are one-third of the way through the first semester. It's a good time to reflect or look back at what's happened. Time goes by so fast and there are so many things I have to do each day that I rarely look back to see what went well and what didn't go well. I think that many of you also have very little time to reflect. Let's take some right now...

What are some things that went good for you over the last six weeks (since the beginning of school)? What are some things that went bad? Why did they go good or bad? What are some things you'd like to change? More importantly, How are you going to change? What steps are required to change (break it down)?

Make sure you leave your name if you post your comment anonymously.


Unknown said...

well the thing that went gooc the past 6 weeks were good because i met new friends and i still want to meet some more but i know if i have allot of friends i mite do bad at school thats wy i dont have to much friends .
one of the things that went wrong was when i knew my grade for ell class i was shock because i never got a B i always had an A but i know i could better.

Unknown said...

the good things that went good is that i have getting good grades the past few weeks but last week my grades started to go down in 2 classes. at first they went good because i did all of my homework and stayed on top of my classes but then i got lazy and i didn't want to do them anymore. somethings that i would like to change and that im going to change is getting better grades in my low classes and not being lazy and doing my homework.

3S3 Cr@ZY said...

Well right now my life is going good and i dont want to change it because i think its perfect how it is right now. wait a minute i want my sister to change because i dont like how she has been it just gets me mad that she thinks she got the age to do what she wants and need to change that but i dont know how. Oh wait i needa do a lil bit better in school becuase i think i could do better.

Mr. Enns said...


The adapting wasn't that hard it keeping track of what class to go to home work also sitting on your butt for hours. My grades are doing well I'm not failing any class because I don't want to take the class again with all the upcoming freshmen. I want to change the way I pay attention because everyone is saying things count. The thing that mostly takes my attention off in to another direction is my cell phone.

Mr. Enns said...

Annieda says:

The things that went good in school is that im turning in all of my works on time, and that im doing all of my homework. and now that im in high school im choosing to hang out with the right people so that i wont get into trouble like i use to in middle school. also last year i use to get F's and D's but now im getting A's and B's and a couple of C's again. one of the thing that went wrong is that now that in high school i have to be more responsible and make good choices now that im getting older.

Unknown said...

Over the six weeks my grades were good but then they started to go down but then they went back up because i t turn all my homework and i got good scores on my tests and my quiz and i got to hang out with my brother and i didn't really do anything on the weekend.

v rizzle said...

over the six weeks it's been easy and hared at the same time and the only reason it was easy was because it i barely have homework and and when i have homework i get it all at the same time and i don't have that much time to do it all because i have to clean and help my mom around the house and and is had because some times at at school i don't get in nought time to finish my work. the way i think i can finish on time is to work harder and and always finish on time. I now i can do better in my grades and not fall bahind

vazquez said...

i think that the best thing about the past six week is that im passing all my classes. The other good thing is that my soccer team is going to the playoffs and i thing that were gonna play against forest grove. The bad thing is that i hurt my ankle last month and it still hurts, but im gonna play because it is a very important game for me.

lesly said...

In these past six week have been good because I have made lots of new frinds and I am still going really good in my classes. Some thing that went bad was that I have been talking a little pit more in ELD class and I thought about it and its not the rigth thing to be doing so I am going to stop talking lot. I just want to change not to talk lot dring class. I am going to start by working harder.

Anonymous said...

Will some of the good things that have been happening is that I have been doing my workbook and been truing them on time. The other thing is that I have been doing a little better in math(even though I have been guessing on it). I have been doing all of my homework in school. Some of the bad things that have happened, I would have to say I talk to much in all of my classes (except for science). The things that I would like to do to stop talking is to work first then talk when also your friends are done talking. Not talk while the teacher is talking. The things I would have to do in order to stop is staying quiet, so I wont get introuble.
1. Let the teacher talk instead of interrupting the teacher.
2. Do all my work silently.
3. Work first then talk later.
And thats all the steps that I could think of.
Xiomara Marin