Please answer the questions in Microsoft Word and then copy and paste your questions and answers to your blog comment.
Note: You should answer 2 questions total, one from each section, with each answers being 2 paragraphs in length.
A. PROCESSING (choose 1)
1. Why does Penny think working in the garden will be good for Maricela? How does it get Maricela to think differently?
2. What does Sam observe about how the garden is set up? How does he feel about this?
3. On page 13 Gonzalo says, "The older you are, the younger you get when you move to the United States." Explain what he means by this? Do you agree with him? Explain.
B. APPLYING (choose 1)
1. Predict what will happen to the garden. Go beyond the book. You can also address stories that were left untold by the author.
2. Imagine you were living in that community. Would you get involved in the garden? What would you plant? Which people would you befriend? Explain.
why does Penny think working in the garden will be good for Marcela? How does it get
Marcela to think differently?
Well Marcela is pregent and it good to see something growing because that’s how its going to be when she has her baby she is going to see him grow and to make her to understand that’s it not bad to be pregent and that she should be happy it her and he’s the one going to be with her and there going to be going through a lot of stuff but its going to be okay. The garden is to show her to be responsible and make sure to not to kill baby.
Predict what will happen to the garden. Go beyond the book. You can also address stories that were left untold by the author.
The garden will make a lot of difference to more people lives and the community will be more united then ever and that’s rely cool because just a small thing can bring people together I just know that every character in this book will have a good happy ending
And they will try to keep this up.
Why does Sam observe about how the garden is set up? How does he feel about this?
When Sam saw how the garden was set up he thought of the word “Paradise”. He felt happy when he saw that everyone in the community growing their own kind of plants in the garden, which made him wanted to grow something to since he hadn’t had a garden since he was a kid. So he hired a Puerto Rican teenager so dig up the soil and planted things that Sam wants which was pumpkins.
Predict what will happen to the garden. Go beyond the book. You can also address stories that were left untold by the author.
I think that the garden would still be growing more and more things because other people would be growing more plants. Also maybe new people who moved into the neighborhood might want to grow something thing they like, and now’s a good chance for them to grow it because maybe when they were younger they didn’t get to have a garden. I also think that the garden is going to get even bigger because everyone in the community might help watching out for the garden, so that nothing happens to the plants.
Why does Penny think working in the garden will be good for Maricela? How does it get Maricela to think differently?
Penny thinks that if Maricela works in the garden that will help her realize that it’s hard taking care of things especially kids. By taking care of a garden she will learn how hard it can be. Taking care of the garden can be good for her because she wants her baby to die before he is born. She doesn’t know that bringing someone to life I a beautiful thing. That’s what penny is trying to make he realize and she also thinks that by planting a garden that will help her and it does. Maricela realizes that her taking care of a garden can be hard work. She also realizes that her baby can bring happiness back into her life. At the end she gets really excited for her new baby. She learned that things to get better unless someone makes them better and my watching other people work together she realized a lot of things.
Imagine you were living in that community. Would you get involved in the garden? What would you plant? Which people would you befriend? Explain.
If I was living in a community like in the Seed Folks I would start a garden or I would help out if it were already started. I would have lots of fun I wouldn’t just help plant things I would also take pictures of the people the garden and their plants. Then I would send the to the newspaper people and I would ask them to publish them so not just the town would see what people can do when they get along and work together. The plants I would plant would be tomatoes and cucumbers because I love eating them and I would also plant flowers so I would sell them and get good money of them. I would be friends with the other people in the garden. They would probably plant different things then I would and I would be able to trade things from my garden to get other things.
Rodrigo Duarte
What does Sam observe about how the garden is set up? How does he feel about this?
Sam noticed that all of the community was getting together. People were doing things that they wouldn’t do if they didn’t know each other. For example this lady was jetting jacked by a man and if they wouldn’t have known her they wouldn’t have done anything to help but they did and ran after the guy who was running of with her purse. As the community started to grow more plants in the lot more and more people stared to put signs up and protected only what was there’s. Sam was thinking if it is a community or just how it was before with the judging and racism. He liked the idea but not the fact that in the end it might end in fights to clime what is there land.
Imagine you were living in that community. Would you get involved in the garden? What would you plant? Which people would you befriend? Explain.
If I lived in the community I would have joined. I feel like I would have learned a lot from that experiment. It would also be nice to know who lives in my block and possibly from out of town. Who knows maybe in the end the garden will get bigger and stay forever. I would plant strawberries because they’re sweet and can go with chocolate. I would try to be friend with as many people as possible.
A. 3. On page 13 Gonzalo says, "The older you are, the younger you get when you move to the United States." Explain what he means by this? Do you agree with him? Explain.
Well Gonzalo says that because When him and his parents lived in Mexico they used to communicate and have conversations with people all the time and they weren’t scared to talk to people because they were from the same raise but different places they spoke the same language, and when they came to the US they couldn’t talk or do none of those things because they didn’t know the language from down here and that’s why he says that the older you are the younger you get because going to a place were you don’t belong and not know the language they speak there makes you feel like a born baby or a fish with no water because you cant say anything like communicate with others. I do agree with Gonzalo because its true it doesn’t just happen to him it can happen to anyone that goes to a country were there not from.
B. 2. Imagine you were living in that community. Would you get involved in the garden? What would you plant? Which people would you befriend? Explain.
If I lived in this community I would get involved with the garden and talk with the people that live in that community to get to know them more. I would plant every kind of plants. I would talk to everyone so I can see who lives around where I live.
Penny thinks that if Maricela would work in the garden it would be a good idea because she would be practicing of taking care of something. It gets Maricela think differently because since she was working the garden she notice that she can take care of her baby and she doesn’t want to lose it.
Sam thinks that there would be a lot of people who wanted to grow something and he imagined the garden all big and pretty. He feels all happy and he thinks he can plant a garden, but at the end he realizes that he can’t really plant a garden so he gets a little upset.
I think that he means that as you get older the younger you get when you move to the united states because when you move to the united states is a totally different life and people are not as poor as in Mexico.
I think that people are going to start planting and there are going to make a big garden and other people are going to plant too.
If I live in there community I would get involved in the garden and I would plant flowers and vegetables. I would be friend with al the characters in the book.
By: veronica villa
1) What does Sam observe about how the garden is set up? How does he feel about this?
He liked how the garden looks and how the lady planted her flowers. He learned that the word paradise comes from a Persian word and Persian means walled park. At first he thought that the lady didn’t like him. But then they started talking and he told her what he thinks about her garden.
2) Imagine you were living in that community. Would you get involved in the garden? What would you plant? Which people would you befriend? Explain.
I wouldn’t get involved because I don’t like to plant plants and I don’t know how to fix things in the garden. As matter a fact I don’t know anything about gardens. But I would pay people to make my garden look good. But I would cut the grass and ill do little things like that.
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