What is the media?
It's all around us and it affects how we think about things and what we do each day. I think it's almost impossible to not be affected by the media.
The media includes radio, TV, the Internet, books, newspapers, magazines, pictures/photos, music, movies, and even video games. The iPhone made by Apple is probably the best symbol of the media for this generation. You can access the Internet, movies, music, newspapers, books, photos, maps, in addition to it's main function as a cell phone.
The media can be a good thing and a bad thing. Without the media, specifically news reporters, we wouldn't know what is going on around us, and yet in the United States the media tends to focus inward. This means that you hear mostly about what is going on in the USA and not about what is happening in other parts of the world. For example, the flooding throughout the state of Tabasco in Mexico was mentioned only briefly in the American news. In fact, I didn't even know about it until a group of informed Gresham High students presented about the disaster last week.
The media also tells us what to do and what to think through advertising. When you watch a show on TV there are a lot of commercial breaks. In fact, an hour long show on TV is really only about 42 minutes, with 18 minutes of commercials. A 30 minute show is about 22 minutes of programming and 8 minutes of commercials. We are shown what products to buy, what clothes to wear, and how our bodies should look.
Think about the media in the United States. What are some positive (good) things about the media and what are some negative (bad) things? What are some ways that you think you are influenced by the media? For example, items you buy or want to buy, clothes you wear, brand names you like, the way you want to look, what makes someone beautiful or handsome, etc. Leave a comment for the class.