Wednesday, October 29, 2008

You're Going on a Trip Overseas

Pretend you're going on a trip overseas. You choose the country and then put together a list of things you are going to need to bring.

Leave a comment here that includes the country you are traveling to and the five most important items that you need to bring.  Please include the reasons why you chose these as the five most important items.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

6 Weeks Down, 12 To Go - Let's Reflect

Photo retrieved from:

We are one-third of the way through the first semester. It's a good time to reflect or look back at what's happened. Time goes by so fast and there are so many things I have to do each day that I rarely look back to see what went well and what didn't go well. I think that many of you also have very little time to reflect. Let's take some right now...

What are some things that went good for you over the last six weeks (since the beginning of school)? What are some things that went bad? Why did they go good or bad? What are some things you'd like to change? More importantly, How are you going to change? What steps are required to change (break it down)?

Make sure you leave your name if you post your comment anonymously.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Personal attacks OK or NOT?

Photo retrieved from

You've probably seen a lot of these two faces over the last few months. They are presidential candidates Barack Obama and John McCain. They have been campaigning against each other for quite a few months now in hopes of winning the office of President of the United States of America. 

As they campaign they give many speeches and also have debated each other once so far. They will be debating two more times over the next two weeks (Oct 7 & 15). During the campaign there is a lot of talk from both sides. Some of it is about issues America is facing and some of it is simply comments to put down the other candidate.

There is a recent article stating that John McCain has been trying to destroy Obama's reputation by attacking him with personal comments. This is often the case in presidential elections and Obama has made similar comment to McCain.

Do you think they should be attacking each other personally or should they be only talking about issues facing our country? What are some of the issues you think they should be talking about? What are the most important issues/problems in your opinion? What would you like to see them answer in the next debate?

Share your comments and receive extra credit. I look forward to reading your responses.