Immigration is a hot issue in the United States right now. You hear about it nearly every night on the evening news and find it on the front page of newspapers across the United States. Why has it become such a big issue recently? Is it because of the upcoming presidential election or the struggling US economy? Either way it is a very important issue that needs to be resolved for a number of reasons.
Who is an immigrant? If you look it up in a dictionary you'll see something like, "an immigrant is a person who comes into a foreign country and takes up residence there." Referring to someone that leaves their home country, moves to another one, and makes it their home.
Everyone that lives in the United States (other than Native Americans) are here because our families moved here from another country and decided to stay. This makes us all IMMIGRANTS, except that some of us have been living here longer. I think we need to keep this in mind when talking about the current issue of immigration.
We also need to get rid of (throw away) the term "alien" when used to describe people that are immigrants. Nowadays, an alien is understood to be one of those scary, green creatures from outer space. It should not be used to describe people who are born in other countries and live in the USA.
There is an upcoming presidential election and all of the people running for President have an opinion on the issue of immigration. Please read some of these opinions here, and then comment on which candidate you agree with the most. Perhaps which candidate you would be most likely to vote for if you were 18 years old and allowed to vote.
Feel free to include your own opinion on the topic of immigration in your comments, just make sure that you stay away from trash talking. Stick to talking about what you think and feel about immigration and not about what you think and feel about President Bush or anyone else.
well i think anyone has the right to live were they want anyways we are no diffrent then them just beccuse we have diffrent skin color taht not cool $$$$$$
Ummm well I think what there doing is mest up there like making a big issue about immigrants and that aint cool they should stop these things that there doing!!!!!!!
I think that evrybody have the right of freedom and to live in any place.This is a Country of immigrants and people come here because all we want is to have a better life than our native country.We're not here to hurt others but lot of times they treat us as criminals,and it is not fair because everybody needs respect.Now immigartion is something really serious in this country but I think as immigrants we should do something to let know all the people that are not agree that we have the right to be here as them. I don't think all racist people are native americans so they should not say anything about it.
I have no problem with immigrant people being here because my mother and father came to the untied states as immigrants, and other famliy memebers of mine came to the untied states as immigrants also.But my family memebers came to the united states to have a better life style here in the U.S I feel that people that want to come to the untied states and work and be or do something with their lives than theres no problem with them being here. Immigrants aren't here to hurt people they want a better life for their children. they want there children to get a better education. To them that's the best gift that a mother and father can do for there children. Immigrant parents don't want to see there kid's suffering like they did because they didn't have money to get an education. People are just making a big deal about immigrants all they want is to work and just have a good life here in the united states.
I think that immagrent are people who come to the untited stats to look for a better life. I rerallly get hurt when peolpe say that we are bad people and olny come to take money,job and education away from true Americans. I know that there are people who get help from tha government and not take edvantage. That is the time I grt upset. Konwing that they are getting something for free. Fore exaple some people are getting help to pay their home and they do not need it because they lie and say that there husband has left them and they have children and need help.
I know this because I know of someone who is doing this and the government is looking for them and they are tring to haid from him.I know that there are people who are truly here to find and get a better life.Something should be done to the people who are tring to get something for free and have enough money to pay for it.Because of this ther are many other things the government can;t do with the moeny that is being spent.
The government can help other counties and get them help.
Will I think everyone has the right to live werer they want to live. Thats way they call this a free contrey!!!..Anyways that would be cool if everyone could come and go back as they pleased. I think they should be a punition ment for those who dont have pappers.
I Feel That USA Is Hating On immigrats. Mexicans Because Are Parents Came From Mexico To The USA For A Better Life!! And That They Call Us "Aliens" We Dont Look Any Diffent Then Other Peolpe! Just Were A Diffent Color!
this country is made up of immigrants
thats how people made up the saying of the melt pot witch contains people of different cultures, races and religions,every one is the same meat just different sauce
I think that Bush should give immigrants a chance in getting there forms. With out immigrants the state wouldn't earn money from Tax's. U.S.A should give immigrants a chance to earn money for their family. Right now the state is not helping immigrants now but some day they are. If the state wants immigrants out of here they should make all of the bad immigrants leave NOW!
I think that thats wrong what there doing here because we have the right to live here no matter what. To me its really raises thatthere calling the illegal immigrants "Aliens" because we are not different then the Americans just that we live in different places. We come to the Uniteds States for all the right reasons not to steal or to kill but to put some food on the table or to have a nice warm house, and they are taking that from all of us and they might think of they are criminals just cause they did something bad, but were not the only bad ones here that are doing something bad, they do it because they love there family and and get more money then what we get in Mexico. They call us something that we all are Illegal immigrants but i think that we all are immigrants beacuse we come from different places that isn't the United States. They can't someone by the way they look like just cause were brown, white, or black, doesn't mean that were different its what we have inside not bye clor
I think that everybody has the right to freedom. This is a country of immigrants. Now immigration is a really serious issue in this country because immigrants are being sent back to their countries. This is not right because some people are leaving there families and children. They should be able to stay in the the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
I think that the AMERICAN'S are haeten on the MEXICANS. Maybe couse we do all the work and they don't do nothing.I think that american's should welcome us like we welcome them to are country.I also think that we should all help each other out and fight each other.
When it comes to immigration people get crazy. Everyday you see people on the news talking about it. You see reporters interviewing people looking at there point of view. Some people are fighting about the rights for immigrants, when others are trying to kick us out. The United States Of America is made up of immigrants. People come from all over the world! Not just from Mexico,El Salvador and other parts of Latin America. People also come from Asia and Europe. The only people that aren't immigrants in the U.S. are the Native Americans. Other than that we're all immigrants! We shouldn't be judging each other just because of the race,or the color of our skin 'cause we're all the same.
it's a big issue, because I think now days more people come to this country. most of people talk about this subject. Most of immigrants come here for living and studing or they come for business. But it is a very serious subject now. I think immigration isn't a really big problem. There a lot more things happening in this world that everybody must care and think about it. But they must solve this problem too, because if they keep doing and talking about this, it will make this problem bigger.
i think the immigration don't need to study English. Because it's very hard to study English if you 60 or 70 year old. If they want the immigration study English. let's put them to China when they 60 or 70 years old and study Chinese to have citizens.
everyone come to U.S want to make "American Dream" became true, the immigration working very hard. because they want to have better life
we came to U.S. are want to make a better life. immigrants are not going to hurt people.i think everybody can live in wever they want to live.
I think that the United States has always been a country of immigrants because there are different people from different places. In my point of view immigration sould not have any right to take anyone way from their homes like they always do.If this country is called a free country way are they doing this to people that just come here for a better life.I also think that the congress should do something about the people that have been living here for 14 years or more. This country should not treat ue like criminals and they should treat everyone the some no matter what color you are or what race you are. The United States should make a new law about immigration so the people that came here to work hard just to have a better life can stay here with thier familys.
Who care about immigration. People should live whatever they want to live. If they want to live somewhere they want to live or they have to stat there to live who cares they should just live there. John Edwards said "America needs to, with both money technology and people, do a much more effective job of policing our border than we're doing now" I don't think America need to work on money or technology, what they need to work on is people. The each people should treat other people by respect.
Everyone here in the United States comes from another country. Maybe not them but there aunt sisters did! So we all are immigrants except for The native americans! I think that now the issue about immigration is because over populotion of immigrants.
Everybody deserves a chance to prove that not all immigrans are the same. I think immigration should think about the families that are being separated.Its true that they came here illegally but only to make a better living than their native country.
i think they sould give papers to the people that life in the USA because same of them they been her for a long time and they want same papers for their family.
I think that immagrent are people who come to the untited stats to look for a better life, equality, and diffrent kind of opportunity's. I think that everybody has the right to live wher they want and the right to be free.
I think that people make other people with color look bad because they thick that they cant do nothing. Other people thick that they are jut taking their jobs but most people woke in the fills which other people don’t what that job because they thick is to hared.
Sandra Villa-Palomar
I think there is a lot of racism in "GRESHAM HIGH SCHOOL". too many people are so racist. they talk s#@%$^&*... about mexicans, and that is not good for us!!! i think we are the same, we are people, but a lot of us are from different parts of the wiorld and we diserve respect!!! the way like somebody talks to me is the same way that i talk to them!!!
i think that this country is made by immigrants. I don't know why they want to send us back to mexico, if we do all the work that white people don't wanna do.
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