Women's rights have lagged behind the rights of men for many years. Even today, women face challenges because of laws that discriminate against them.
Women were first allowed to vote in elections in the United States in 1920. Only in 1963 was the equal pay act passed which made it illegal for employers to pay a woman less than what a man would receive for the same job.
Women are discriminated against in almost every country around the world. 70% of the world's women are poor and women own just 1% of the world's land.
Even basic laws like the legal ages for marriage could have a huge impact on women's lives. Many countries still have different ages of marriage for young women than they have for young men, and the age for girls is always lower then the age for boys.
This leads to problems, for example of a girls' right to education, if she has to leave school at 14 to get married, and this impacts upon her chances in life. It ends up being a life-long violation of her rights because she can't often finish school and she often has children too early.
Why do you think women's rights seem to always be behind the rights of men? What can we do to make sure that men and women are both treated fairly and equally? How have you seen women discriminated against in your life?
Watch a short video about this topic here.
Information retrieved from http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/7331813.stm
What I think about women rights is that they get chosen last or they don't have the same about men. I think women should the same rights as men, because were all humans. Doesnt matter what color, raise, or gender. I think we should be able to vote for anything, just have the same laws. I think we need to be treated like one. Some people say that men are better because there stronger, but strength doesnt mean anything.
I think that people have drawn them selfs a picture that women can not do the same things that men can. Over the years me are known to do the "hard work" and that women are only to stay inside their homes to cook, clean and look after their kids. women are also told that men are smarter then women this is fale in many ways.
Just because we us girls do not lookstrong is does not mean that we are waek and can not do the same work that men do such as working as a fire-men or working in construction. women can do these jobs too.
Many of this things have changed throughout the years. Women have the right to do anything a men can do. We have the chance to vote, work, earn mony and be free to speak out and be hard. Yet still many do not want women working in a "Mans job" because they think think that women can not do anything right. Strengh race or gender does not mean anything women can do anything a man can do.
I think that the womans right seem to always be behind the rights of men because in the majority of the time men have been the ones working to feed and take care of the familly. And in my opinion men are afraid that women will take over and then have a bigger voice among people. What we as women should do is not to care about what men think of us as long as is bad, and try to do as much as we can to demostrate that we can also make it in our own. And yes i have seen women be discriminated before for example one of friends who is 25yrs of age aplied for a job and wasn't hired for being a woman but then she went to a place where they helped her and went and got another job that was better.
I think that women should have the same rights as men. Just because girls aren't the same as guys doesn't mean they couldn't have the same jobs. Girls shouldn't have to stay home all the time i think that guys should help the girls around the house.
i think that every one schould be treated the same it dosent matter if ur a girl or a boy.
Veronica says:
I think that men and women should be equale that way they wont be saying that man are better then women when we are all equle. i think that they are all the same but the man and woman have diffrentthings but that dosent mean they have to be trated differnt then mad the are all diffrent. wome have the right to do what they want and to have fun and live the life. they should wnat to live.
i have read a article about Women and they said men in Pakistan, South Africa, Peru, Russia,Asian,Uzbekistan beat women in the home at astounding rates. that's really sad because every people need to be equally. We should do something to help Women.....
Before men had more power than woman and men had more rights than womas had but now we're in 21st century and everything has changed with time and now woman should be treated equally to man because we do almost same things as them.
I think that women dont have the same rigths like men, but they are getting more rigths each day. Today we have a woman running for president of the United States.I also think that they should have the same rigths like men.
Women rights are a good thing we have in this country. But I also understand that there is other countries that don't treat women the same as men! Well.... i think that some women can do a lot of things that men can do and maybe better!! I agree that women don't have the same strenght as men but they can do many things that man can't do!!! I belive that women should be treated the SAME!!
I believe that before man had more power than woman and man used mistreat woman just because thy were the ones who brough money home but woman was the one who managed all their money. we are in 21st century and everything has changed through history now woman and man are equal because both of work and we should be treated equal.
Well I think women's rights seem to always be hehind the men's rights because sometimes people are still saying that men are much better at doing things that women's can do. For an exaple last snday I went to the mall with my mom and this lady want to work and the job was to pik-up boxs but the man said she wasn't strong to do that kind of work. I thought that was really roud but I think men and women's are no different from each other. Something we can do to stop this is to make a new law that say no matter what men and women should be treated equaly.l
The women's are always behind men's because the men's think there are better than women's. I think is there are the same. there are both humans and there are women that is smarter than men and there are women that is stronger than the men. What they should done is make the men and women rights at the same time but there are too late now.
i think right now women's right have lagged behind the rights of men for many years. Juat like they said;" women face challenges." but i think, men and women are "=". they both bave good skills.woman and men both have good to do. if just think men is stronger than women thats not ture.
I think we should be able to vote for enything some people say that men are better there strong but strength doesnt anything. just because we us girl do not look strong is does not mean that we are weak and can not do the same work that men do such as working.
women are also told that men are smarter. but rights is that they get chosen last or they don't have the same about. many of this have changed throughout the years strengh race or gender does not mean but also womens should be hard.
the men is the power they could do anything they but now i think the women has more power then the man in the usa because if they hit the women they go to jail.
Even now women are descriminated. men think that they are the last coke in the dessert and that because that they can treat women like they want. We are women and we have rights. Not having right was before but not we have rights we are equal some women earn more money than men. We have the right to be our self and to do what we want to do, and also to reach our dream but the most important thing to be dependant.
I think that the womans right seem to always be behind the rights of men because, it was men who made all the rulls, and laws. Men expact women to stay home and work arwnd the house. not ture!
I think that men and women are equale in the U.S.
i think that everybody should be treated the sane because woman as well as men can do anything unlike men women had to fight for there rights and now to this day women are able to vote and do everything else a man can do no matter what color.race or gender we all have the same laws.
They think that womens should have there rights because when ever people are doing something they never ask for womens opinions, and think that womens should have the same rights as mens because its not fare,people think that men can do everything because they are strong but the strength doesnt matter what matters is what is in the brain.
i think that women have rights too but not all the time they dont have the same rights becuse they get pay less then the men .
i think that women have rights too but not all the time they dont have the same rights becuse they get pay less then the men .
I thik womans in United State all reaady has the righ like all the mans but in some countries don't have the right and they don't Know the they have the rights.......In 1920 in United States got the right to vote And I tHink was relly importan for them.......
I think women rights are almost the same as men rights. I think they are treated fairly just the same as anybody else, but some people think they are not treated well but I think they are.
Olga says:
i think that womens should have more rights because we are humans too. it doednt matter if we are in a different race or color.
I don't think that men are the only ones that have rights in this worl. i think that women proofed to everyone that they have the same rights as men when they were able to vote early in the 1920's. I think that we can show anyone that we can have the same rights as men and are also able to do anything as same as men can do.
I think women should the same rights as men, because were all humans. Doesnt matter what color, raise, or gender. iv seen woman being discrimination at stores just because they dont look strong.
women have the right because they should have the same decisions like the men.
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