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What are your values? These are the things that are most important to you. By things I mean things, people, and ideas.
Some examples could be relationships (family and friends), money, possessions and property, privacy (time alone), safety, faith (religion), fitness, caring for the environment, simplicity (living simply or without many possessions), and health and appearance. Try to think of at least one for yourself...
Your values determine the decisions you make in your life and the direction your life goes. That's the reason for the above picture of a person at a crossroads. He has a few different options, but can only choose to head in one direction.
Whatever you thought of reflects something about you and your priorities in life. If you value education, most likely you will decide to finish high school and go on to college. If you value relationships, you may decide to take a job in Portland (close to family and friends) rather than taking a higher paying job in Los Angeles. This shows that you value relationships over money.
I have many values - relationships, fitness, health, money, simplicity, and faith. It is a challenge to rank them in order of importance. If I was to rank them it might look like this:
- Faith - it is important to how I see and relate to the world, and to who I am
- Relationships - I think it is important to treat everyone with respect and love
- Simplicity - I think it is good to try to live as simply as possible and help those around you that don't have as much
- Money - It is important for staying alive and for providing your family and sometimes I think it is too important to me
- Health and Fitness - I think it is important to take care of your body
Leave a short reflection (comment) on the topic of values. You could give a list of your values and why they are important to you if you want. Please make it as personal as you can so that it is more meaningful.
I think that values are very important for everyone. I have my values too I would love to share mine with you.
1)Faith- my religion is very important to me
2)Relationships- my family is very important to me as well as my best friend
3)Health- my health is something I care about very much I love to eat healthy and work out
4)Money- we all need money to live and to buy our needs
There are many things that I value and relly care for
1 family
2 frinds
3 education
4 relationships
5 religoin
6 health
This are only some of the things that i really care for and things things reaaly influenc what I do. I try to take in all what they say so I do not miss up as much in life. When i'm thinking about not going to scool there is on person that I think about before doing it.
this person means the wold to me and knowing that they care foe me makes me value them even more.
ok! I think that thare are many values.I have values i like.
*for example my family is very importam to me.
this are the things that i really important to me sometimes the person means the wold to me knowing that they care i try to take care in the all what they said.so it very important all people take care.
This topic is very mportant because I belive that values are very important and they do change someones life. personally the most important value for meis my faith becuause it cambines my relationship with my family and other people. My faith has alowed me to become a better person and more contient about my relationships with others.my family has been affected because my decisions and because of my values.Now i can make better desicions in my life.
As everybody I have values and I would share them with you. I'm a person who values everything in this life but I have some special values, my family, my life,
education,and faith. When I think how much I care about this values I always try to take the better desicions in my life. these values also gives me strength and have changed my life in a positive and happy way.
Values are things that fit in your personality and I keep mine very tucked in and secured.
1) Family
2) faith
3) Education
4) My word of man!
5) Health
6) Friends!!!
I think that values are very important in my life some of them are:
i think the valus that you have are very important because thats the thing the you need because values you live with them and your with then all the time so you have a special values. my values is my parents because their care of me wat i do.
Values are important in the living life. Because you always have to think what is important to your self. family, relationships, money, health,faith. I do care about values and I try really hard to make the values worth it and if there is something wrong with my values Ill go back and change it.
well my values are my family, school, health, money,and friends. my family is always going to be one of the most imporant values because I love them so much and I need the in my life so they could soport me. School is other thing that is importan to me because if I want to have a good life I need to have a good job that pays well. well i need to have a good Health to life well and to enjoy life. Friends they are always ther when you need them and thats importan to me to have some one there when I need them.
i think thare are many values.I value and relly care for:
1. relationships
2. health
3. money
4. Education
this are the things really important, really care things.i think everyone have something very importment to you.
Values are important to everyone in the world, with out values we would be lost. My values are the first important one to me is familiy because with out my family we wouldn't be a family. We need each othre's support, and that is something we value everyday that we have each other. My second value is Religion I go to church every sunday, and every sunday I go I value that I thank God for letting live each day that I wake up, and for the family I have and friends I have. My third value is my cell phone and i pod because those are the things I use everyday last but not least money to live and buy our personal needs
I think all the people has a lot of values but the most important values are Families, Health, Money, Relationships, And Religion. My values are my family, Health, Relationships, Money, And my faith
these are my most important values. But like a human sometime I don't care about some of these values. Sometimes I don't take care about my health the I think is very important for me and all the people in this world. Hi Mr. Enns!!!!!Thanks for choose this topic the is very important for all people.....
i think that everyone has values that are very inportant to eveyone.
olga says ; i think that my very important vaues are my family faith ,health and than money.
i think that really hard to choose between money and relationship. i think my value is:
1) money = relationship.
3) education
4) religion
i think that every one has values i have values too but their secret cuz no bady what too now my values.
I think everybody has values, but some people don't care more than others... for me, my values are so important because if i don't care my values, i could be lost... it is like rules, if you brake the rules, you can get in a trouble...
its always nice to be a good person, help people who is really in need, you should not help peopple who is lazy and doesnt want to work, but you can help them look for a job. Its nece to be have a good relationship between your friens and family, I think you can always trust your family, bacause they will never put you down , because your part of them and love you! Sometimes friens can be dangerous to you, they get jelous of something what you have and they dont, so you need to be very carefull at choosing a right friend!!
my values are number one
1. My family and friends
and faith
2. My health
3. And my future
4. Education
i think that value are really inmportan in life they help you choose ways in life.my vales are money,family,friends,education,relationships
To tell you the truth, I really don't have any value, the only thing I value would have to be my family nad my cute puppy. but other then that thats all.
and food
I think that values are a very important part of your life. in a way there the ones that get you to a point in life. There are main values that you focus on to get through challenges, sometimes its also important because that's how u value different people, like your Famly and Friends and the people around you that are always there for you when we need them. you can also be a important valueble person to someone special.
Values is what makes a person do something "Good, or Bad" You learn them by your parents our by some other way but they are really important. So have good values and live life like there is no tomorrow. =D
This was written by: Febrek
theres seven things that i value and those seven things are
1)my girl
2)hanging out
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