They could be as simple as, "You have a nice smile," or more specific like, "You have a good eye for decorating."
The problem is that many of us (including myself) don't give out enough compliments to the people we come into contact with, or even the people we really care about. Often, we are quick to criticize, but slow to compliment.
It is proven that compliments increase a person's self-esteem and cause people to be more happy. It is also true that it takes quite a few compliments to cancel out one insult.
Try to give a compliment to someone today and start a good habit!! Click here for some ideas. Leave a comment and let everyone know what you think.
Comliments are very nice, who wouln't like to get one every day. I also don't give many of them out to my friends when they have done something nice or are wearing something that I like. I really injoy getting comliments especally from my teachers. I would never get any of them last year, but this year I have gotten one from just about every teacher that I have.
I don't know how teachers know about how I was in middle school and last year, but they always say that I have improved since then and it makes me work even harder. I just got one from my english teacher just last week and she said that I'm the only one that ever reads and dose the homework. Never has she had a hard working hispanic and that made me very happy that she can see that Ireally enjoy school and want to becaome something important in life.
Giving people complimenst really helps someone to work harder and do a lot better. I think that teachers should do a better job on doing this because I think that it could helps other students in school and drive them to keep on doing what they are doing. I dose not have to be some thing big just as long as you make someone else happy and good about their selfs. that is the only thing that matters.
We can all do this it is not asking us to do anything that is not posible. I think this is a good idea to give compliments to others.It and make onyones day even better for them. Mr. Enns I love that I have learnd alot over the months that you have been my teacher. I have learned that just because you do the work dose not mean that YOu know how to do it. You also need to learn it and use it.
Thank you so much for the compliment!! I really appreciate it. You're right, just because you do something doesn't mean that you have learned it. You need to be able to USE it. Great point!
Compliments are what most people do when they like you, are your friend or simply just someone that really likes something about you. Just by saying " You look nice today" it makes a person feel good in the inside and see that even other people that you don't really talk to much are complementing you. It's a good feeling and it's also nice to give complements to others like your friend. Even if there not your friends and you like how they are or like something they're wearing you complement them and they as same as you will feel good about sayiung something nice.
compliments are nice if your saing to a nice person but if the person is not in good mood she'll probolly said samething bad beacouse she's in a bad mood so tell people compliments nice not bad one because good ones are good to the peolpe your going to tell ab=nd they might said a compliment back to you....
I think that compliments are important to make others happy. I like to say clomplements to my friends when they're sad, to make them fell better and have a high selfsteem. I like when people tell me compliment because it makes me feel importan and good, but most of the time we insult other people or we try to make them feel bad.
im think compliments are good, make people happy. sometimes you say something nice. it make you feel good. i always compliments to my friends and family. Compilments makes you nice. so people will like you think you are nice.so you will have a lot friends. people compliments to you ,you will feel good, too. so maybe you didn't know that person.but when that person compliment to you. i think that person are nice.maybe you tweo weill be firends. How good is that?
Well first i have to star by saying "GOOD JOB" JOVANA! you were the first person to write a comment and a very one even doh it's too big and i don't like to read as much haha just kiding it's a really good comment you post! VERY NICE!=] well i don't feel like writing a lot, so Mr. Enns we need to star saying to people more complements instead of playing around and telling them bad things that we didn't know that the things we say are hurting there feelings. Sorry people if I have sad something that made you feel sad or bad. hehe =D Oh and one more thing is that i'm sorry Luna for calling you fat, i was kiding you kno that you really aren't fat. so yeah keep it up hehe =D
oh yeah this was written by: Febrek
compliments are sometimes good because they might make people good.
It's nice to give people Comliments because if ther not in a good mood and you give them a comliment it maihgt make them feel bater.
I heard that compliments is one thing that makes people feel good and make than happy. I get compliments from the teachers when I do good on the test or projects. Compliments tells you how strong you improved from couple of years. When you don't get any compliments from other that means you have not try hard enough or not yet improved. But every single person is yet to improve. Myself I'm still making improvements that I think it is not improved yet.
when you compliment to someone you'll made them fell good, and they will try harder and fell happy with what they did. for example in school when the teacher say:" you did really good today! keep it up" the students feel really good and they will enjoy to go to school.
i think something we always forgot to say to people are: "thank you" and compliment them
Everyone feels good when you give out compliments to them. Its a expression that I would like and anyone would like to hear everyday. It helps me be confident in myself and more open when someone gives me a compliment. So Mr. Enns thanks for this year for teaching us and wish you a good summer!!!!!!!
I think that Compliments make other people fell good because they fell good about their self
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