Maybe you've heard the saying, "It's a small world." With the ease of air travel and ongoing technological development, the world is only getting smaller it seems. We have only to look around us at the makeup of our city to see that there are many people from different cultures.
What is culture? Culture is defined as "the integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior shared by a people in a certain place." It's the things we know and believe and the way we behave. People from other cultures generally speak a different language and may also look different than us. Competence means you have the skills you need to do something. Someone can be a competent teacher, a competent carpenter, a competent soccer player, or culturally competent. We are all competent in many areas of life; we have many competencies.
In a world with many cultures living in the same city or neighborhood we have to learn to be culturally competent. I would like you to brainstorm freewrite in your comment this week and come up with some ideas about what cultural competence might mean or look like in a person. Remember I am looking for a comment 8 sentences in length. You can check out my comment to get you started if that helps. It will be the first one.
When I think of cultural competence a few things come to mind. One of which is respect for people of other cultures. Respect can be shown in many different ways, some of which might be learning some words in their language, asking them about their home country, or just showing them that you are interested in learning about their culture. Cultural competence can also be shown through understanding the customs of people from different cultures and by respecting those customs. Cultural competence is something that is learned by experience. You have to have contact with people from other cultures to really become culturally competent. I think it's important to be culturally competent as a teacher because it allows you to understand students and parents of students from different cultures. Cultural competence is very important in our "small world."
When I hear the word cultural competence I think that it might mean that people have respect for other's culture. Meaning that they want to learn about their homeland, and learn their language. Also cultural competence can be shown in people by seeing how interested they are in learning about other people's culture, and also by respecting them in different ways and maybe celebrating their cultures. Now that I know what cultural competence might mean, I think that it's important for lots of people who lives in the "small world".
Rodrigo says:
Life is some thing you hold and never let go of. Such as how you are to your surrounding's. Life was not life a thousand years ago. Now we live to die and try to stop the unprovidential in life. Times are hard but the better my boat will rise ending up flying. Life is getting questioned day in and day out. May lose there road and just sit there waiting to be picked up really there getting ran over.
I think that everyone should know the differnce between a MEXICAN and a Russian. Alright well most of the mexicans are brown and are paisas! ha ha ha And russians are the same color skin like americans but of course russians look differnt and dress differnt and even talk differnt.
I think that it is important for people to now or learn and more about their culture that way when they see a person they don't now that comes form a different state they don't mistake them a different state.
I think people should know what's the different between a mexican and a person that has brown skin.
Ok so I feel that people should e excepted as who they are. One reason is because poeple who make fun of other peoples culter make that person feel so left out. For example they are going to try to act like other people just to fit in. People should respect others. Other people can learn something form another person because they might not be from where you or your parents come from. For example if you mexican and you have a friend thats not mexican, then you can teach them thing from your cultuer. Like let them try the different foods they have never heard of. You can also learn from them. I like to try food from different cultures myself. I as a student think it's important to culturally competents because I can learn from other students. It's like me I can learn from my friends cuz I have Mexican friends and I love there food. Well yeah thats all for now!
well i can tell it's a small world. becuase it' s like your connected to evreyone. were ever you go or any store you go to you see someone different or maybe one of youur freinds.
theres is no day you don't see someone, relatied to you, or some one really close to you.one thing that i just don't like about cultures. would be that they always go to you and they rub in your face. that because they have money they are way better and they are worth so much more then you.
i just don't like that. i just don't pay attention i over come them. there just obsticles that they try to stop me from me liveing my dreams and acommplishing my goals well they will never stop me. my aducation comes first.that you can be sure of.
Will when I think of cultural competence is when people want to find out more about other peoples cultural. They want to know about how they dress, eat, or celebrate. They want to learn in a respectful way. They might want to learn about the language also. I think it's important to learn about other peoples cultures, so we can learn more, and have a great experience in different, countries, people, schools, and more, but I think it would be really cool to experience different schools around the whole world.
well when I think of the word cultural competence it means to me people from different cultures. I think it's good to learn different culturals because then you get to see lots of nice things you didn't know. Living in a world with so many cultural is fun that way you get to learn how to talk in so many languages. Being cultural competence can be really important that way you can understand peolpe from different places better. I will say that we do live in a small world. You will never know who you might see at the mall, maybe a friend or family. Some time living in a small world is bad cause you might see some you dislike. Havind many cultural is wonderful.
cultural competence i think it mean the people form different country. like Chinses and American. there are a lot different between China and America. they speak different langage, eat different food , listen different tipe music and live in diefferent kind houses. like my friends they like to learn Chinese they think that's fun! And they teach me America things, too.
Is very fun to learn other cultural!!!
I`m not sure what you mean but i think i do so when i hear that wod it makes me think of so many things like were you were from whom your parent were born were your family grow up whats their cultural from all theis qestions?? But what it really mean that not were you come from that matters it what you are i know this is nothing to do with this but this is true even my friends tell that but naw i only hang around friends that only care about me alot me too.All over the world people have told me that our culture doesn`t come from our past it comes from inside we can also make up new ones too but i`m not sure if i heared right i think thats all i think this was kind of hard for me see you soon bye!!!!!...
well when I think of the word cultural competence it means meet new people from different palaces i think its good to be learning about ather cultural because you get to know more stuff about different places and there is more respect for different people and there is alot of people that have different cultural and knnowin there cultural makes u smart
cultural competence from my point of view means that to me people have differnt traditions,clothes and language.Trying to understand the way they live and the way they celabrate each holaday.A few people have different traditions like me all my family has to be an in arranged marrige thats one example.Other people dont really celabrate christmas and holloween. Ive meet a lot of different people and ive learned most of there traditions and other languages.
When I think about it I think about life and how people see a diffrent meaning in it. When I hear "culture" I think food, music, parties, language, customs, and a bigger more beautiful point of view about life.
Culture is awesome!Life is beautiful!
Color de rosa.
I think that we should respected each others cultural. If we don't do that we can cause a war. Leaning about other cultural can help people see the different cultures and lean from them. Going around the world will help people understand other people.
When i think of cultural competence I personally think that religion and respect.
And it all depends on the person because they don't know you the might judge you wrong from your culture.
When I hear the word cultural competence I think that it might mean that people have respect for other's culture.Also cultural competence can be shown in people by seeing how interested they are in learning about other people's culture.
I think cultural is something u get from your family. From were they come from. My cultural is spanish and cristian. And from what i read i though it ment like having respect towards other cultures.I dont know what else to say.
I agree with you how it is important to be culturally competent because you learn about other cultures. and i also think that learning about different cultures is important because you gain more knowledge.
I think culture is important but i think that every culture is different from each other
when i think about culture i think about the tradition where I'm from. because I came from Mexico and all in this country are different and all in the the USA are different their are not from the USA same are from different too not only me>
for me, we need to learn and understand other cultural. i can say this is small world and big cultural, we don't know all the cultural in the world but we need to respect them. learning new cultural is good but we also need to know about our cultural and i thinks people are forgetting their cultural when they live in another country, they forget their native language.
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