Friday, November 16, 2007

Inventions - Creating Something New

There are many new inventions being invented each and every year. Even when we think that we have everything we need people are still coming up with more. When the iPod first came out everyone thought it was so great, but now we just see it as normal. In a few years the iPhone will be old news too and something else more advanced will have come along.

Despite the fact that some inventions are created just to make life more convenient (easy) for us, there are some that are doing more than that. Many inventions are helping conserve our environment by reducing pollution and the amount of energy that we use. There are cars that don't run on gas, paper that can be used over and over again, and bags that use the sun's energy (solar energy) to charge our mp3 players and cell phones.

Take a look over the pictures and descriptions (click on any of the pictures to make them larger - so that you can read the details about them) of some of these new inventions and then leave a comment about which one is your favorite and why. You could also say which invention you think is most practical (realistic) and which one is waaaaay out there (not going to happen - too crazy). Which are the most helpful for conserving the environment and which ones just make our lives easier.


Anonymous said...

I think the people who invent something is very intelligent, but they have to invent something for the cars and do not use more gasoline, it would be something very good for the environment.

lesly said...

I think it was really intrusting to see what others had invented because the things that they invented helped the enironment and that was a good idea to invent thing that could help us a lot.

Carolina said...


delgadillo_chuy!!! said...

I think every invent is good to us because the technology is to make everything easier for us. But it is so nice how the technology is growing up!!! for example, when the i-pod came out, everybody wants one, but the magic inventors invented the new i-pod touch and the last i-pod passed to be an old one!!!

hoa said...

i like the mirror. because you can try a shirt at store and you can send a video for your friends and you can got their vote. and it save your time . it's pretty cool.

wendy said...

I think that this ideams are cool because theres no inventions like these around the world right now. but now I know that more futher there is going to be more advans technolgy then now thats all. But when the world is over theres not going to be nobody here just animals we wont need it any more of that.

adriana said...

i think very good because for the environment thats could help for that people don't like their tattoo.

Sandra V said...

I think that new ideas are good like new technology for the hospitals that will be good because they can care people. But having new staff like phones just to show friends that not that important. It would be more important that helps environment.

Sandra Villa P

yovana said...

I think that the flexible display is really intresting. I think that many peoplr are going to like this, because it is something different then the other cell phone. This may sell very ast because very one wants to be the firs one to have the new flexible display. I lnow I would want it but my parents wont let me get it until I have a job so that they wont have to pay for it.

3S3 Cr@ZY said...

I think its ineresting when we see what others invent because sometimes the things that they invent help us in things like the car thing they are trying to make em to not use gas anymore.

*3SA DR3MER* said...

I think it was really interesting to see what others had invented because the things that they invented helped the enironment and that was a good idea to invent thing that could help us a lot!!!!!!!

negar said...

The technology is extensive and every day is going to be more huge and they are efforting to discovering huge and value things.
So they are making very precious items, and some of them like football helmet are for people safety and some of them make our life easier.
I think one of the interesting items berween these is ( A robot can relate to you ). I think is an interesting and useful thing and by the way a robote who is not alive can understand you.

hottmexy said...

I really think that new inventions are great for humanity as long as they are made specialy to make life easier and if it helps the world than those are good inventions.

yovana said...

I think thath the good morning, sunries might be a bad idiea. I think this because I do not wake up if someone were to turn on the light or if anyone one make noises. There could be people that do wake up if there is light or if anyone makes noises. I know I do not. Having little brothers and sisters you have to try to sleep with alot of noises.
So maybe it is a good inventoin if you do notlike your alam and you rather wake up with light and not the alarm.

Hiroaki_Eda said...

It is really cool when new invention is created. I like to see the new inventions. There are inventions that helps but some doesn't. i wonder if the sunshine pillow will hurt your eyes because the light is close to your eye. I think the bag some rays sounds cool. sometimes i forget to charge my phone so i can charge in there but it would be bad if there is no sun outside.

Luis lopez said...

Well the fact that the world each year is getting more populated more space and things are used. So if maybe this inventions like the car that consumes recycle paper and hand bags that cantain solar energy are good inventions for the economy. Not only would it be saving trees but other things that don't need to be use. We would also wouldn't worried about running out of supply because there would always be recycle paper to use.

fernando said...

I Think The XReox Is A Little Crazy Because How Can Paper Be Used Over And Over Agian I Found That Hard To Believe Cause Say You Write A Paper About Some Thing Big Then Two days Work Gone In A Copule Of Hours? That Sounds Like A Wast Of Time But It Might Be Use Full For Other Reasons!

Mr. Enns said...

Great ideas and opinions about the inventions. The paper that can be used over and over would be bad if you were wanting to save what you wrote, but good if you only needed it for a few hours and then could use it over again. Thanks for all your comments.

stefan said...

i think this will be a great thing to do, to invent a car or something that goes on water or air somehing that doesnt waste gar, electricity. We all know that if these things come out they will be expenisve but everybody will buy them no matter what because it will keep our air fresh because there is no more gas or polution so thats why i think this will be a good think, it won destroy our ozon and the air.......

Unknown said...

I think the things their inventing are cool beacuse its new and interesting and also use less material to build it. it is also better for the envoriment.

David said...

i think that the people that invent stuff are really smart.But i wonder what class you have to take in college.How long do you have to go to college.Hey but most of the people that invent thing are chines huh.

K0n$+@n+!n said...

I think that all inventen's are cool, and they all help us people to do, or get thing's done faster. I think that it would be cool if they made flying cars for every body.