Photo retrieved from http://www.boracayonline.com/gallery/scenery.html
Pretend you're going on a trip overseas. You choose the country and then put together a list of things you are going to need to bring.
Leave a comment here that includes the country you are traveling to and the five most important items that you need to bring. Please include the reasons why you chose these as the five most important items.
if i could go any were i would go to paris
becuse i see picture's and it looks like a very prety place to go to but there a lot of thing i have to do before i go there
like get my pass port go to the doctors and get my shoots and if i have any medicne make sure i take in nough of pack my clothes and i have to my cell pphone company to make sure i have survice
I would travel to the Philippines, more specifically Puerto Galera. I chose this location because I have many friends that live nearby and I love the ocean there. I would make sure to bring a good book (or two) because it is a long plane ride and I like to read on flights. I also love to sit on the beach and read a good book. I would have to bring my iPod because I love listening to music and there's nothing much better than listening to music and hanging out on the beach. The third thing I would have to bring is my sunglasses. You've got to have a good pair of sunglasses when you're at the beach. I would also bring my swimming trunks because I plan on doing a lot of snorkelling and swimming. The last thing I would need to bring is money so that I could pay to stay at Margie's on the beach. She makes the best banana pancakes! I would also need money for food. I wouldn't need many clothes because I would spend most of my time lounging on the beach. I am seriously getting nostalgic just thinking about being back in Puerto Galera. Maybe next year...
I would go to Bahamas and i would take a lot of money so i could spend it and have a good time and buy a lot of clothes and i will also take a car so i could go places. I would take veronica with me so i could have fun and take her places and buy her everything that she wants. The second thing i would bring is a gun for protection just in case i don't get robbed and the third thing i would bring is a pitbul so i could walk around with it.
In my life time I would like to go visit Europe,Belgium. i would take my wife on our honeymoon. I would find the best chocolate there because i heard that there is one of the best chocolate. I would like for my sister to also come because she would like to come. i would learn some more languages. I would take my passport so i could come back. Also all the clothing i had and money.I would take a dog with me. I would like to my ipod to my trip.
I would like to travel to Puerto Rico because I like the way it is i so pretty and green i like the tropical forest and it get hot i would go to the beach every day and I would take some medicine and take an aid kit some food. and I would take some clothes and a would take all those things incase of an emergency i would but i would also bring money so i could buy all the thing I'm going to need that i did not take with me. i would specially a make-up kit and i would bring all the thing. And one important thin i forgot was my mad i would bring him with me to pay for everything i would buy.
i would want to take a trip to an island, or some were tropical. because i don't like cold places. i wouldn't want to go alone i would take my friends. i would take money to go shopping. i would take shoes so i wouldn't have something to wear. i would take some medication so when my head wouldn't hurt. i wouldn't make up because i would buy some there and THATS IT!
I would like to go visit Hawaii because it seems like a nice island and so many great things to enjoy from. Many people have told me that Hawaii is a the most wonderful place to viit and that makes me want to go. I like how the weath is purs perfect and not like the United States there's no humidity in Hawaii. I would bring lot of things with me and the first thing i would bring is my ipod because I love lisening to muisc. the second thing I would bring is lots of sun cream so that I don't get a sun burn. The third thing is clothing because you always need to look good. The fourth thing I would have to bring is my cell phone so that I can texts my friends and talk with them to tell them how much fun I am having and how great it is. The last thing I would bring is my sunglass and my swimsuit.
I would like to go visit Hawaii because it seems like a nice island and so many great things to enjoy from. Many people have told me that Hawaii is the most wonderflu place to viit and that makes me want to go. The first thing I would bring is my camera so that I can take pitchers of the beautiful landscapes. Second thing is my ipod because I love to listen to music. Third thing I would have to bring is my cell phone, so that I can talk to my friends and tell them how much fun I am having. Fouth thing would be lots of clothing because you always need to look good! The last thing is to bring magazines to read. Thoes are most of the things I would need to trave.
I would travel to China because i see like history of China, i also like Chinese food and i want to visit Great Wall. I need to have money before i go there :). I need to learn how to speak Chinese a little and a dictionary. I think i will go there after I finish college. in that time, i got older enough to do thing that i can't do right now
If I could go anywhere. It would be really hard, but I would choose Africa, because I would love to see the different types of culture, how they dress, what they usually do. I also wanted to help people in Africa that are suffering. But I would like to see all the animals that are in Africa. If I could only bring five things I would bring my big suit case were it has everything I would need (clothes, hygiene, some snacks, and etc.), a lot of money just in case, I would bring a camera to take pictures, I would bring my cellphone so I could contact my family and friends so they would know that I am allright, and I would bring different types of sport toys, so I could entertain myself.
Xiomara Marin
your best student in the whole universe
if i could go anywhere i would go to Japan because that is a beautiful country, and they have the best sushi in the whole world. i would have to bring my money and passport. i also need to bring a dictionary because i don't know Japanese. The third thing i would have to bring is my cell phone because i will get lost. maybe i will go with my friend who is Japan.
if icould go any where iwould qo to Hawaii B'cos i've seen pictures &nd it looks nice .&nd its seems like a nice &nd fun place to qo &nd visit .But Before icould qo to Hawaii ineed to do alot of this like qet my passport then qo to the doctors &nd qet my shots .&nd if itake any medication ineeda ask the doctors for another prescription .&nd make sure that ipack enough clothes &nd make sure that ihave service on my phone .so ican call people &nd tell them how nice it is in Hawaii.
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