Good nutrition should be a goal for all of us. However, it is especially important for teenagers as they are growing rapidly and their brain's are developing. Their growing and active bodies need proper nutrients to support overall growth and development, for bones to grow strong and for energy levels to remain high. Bodies need to be armed with the right fuel in order to get the best results.
Nutritional intake is very important to how the brain functions. We can starve our brain of important nutrients if we make poor food choices. To keep our mind and body functioning at optimum levels, we should choose a diet packed with fresh fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy products, fresh seafood, whole grain products, and a lot of water.
In addition, eating good food is important for memory retention, or so that we can remember the ideas we hear. Sleep and exercise also play an important role in having good memory. In fact, it is during sleep that our brains download the information they have encountered during the day into long-term memory. Therefore, getting enough sleep is very critical in order to remember things. It is recommended that students between the ages of 11 and 17 get nine hours of sleep each night. However, most are not able to get that much sleep.
What are some good lifestyle choices you make, especially in regard to the foods you eat, the amount of sleep that you get each night, and the amount of water you drink? What are some bad lifestyle choices that you make? Check out this link to read a story about school cafeteria food across America. Leave a comment and let me know what you are thinking about these ideas.
I agree with that because everyone needs to have a good nutrition to be helthy and to do that you need to have lots of nutrients to support overall growth and development and as well as eating good foods is really importan for memory retention.
Great comment Lesly. Thanks for looking at the class blog on the weekend.
I think that is true because you have to be healthy to be smart the body needs to be health it needs alot of nutregens and alot of exsercice and keep eatting helthy to be smart.
It's important to choose a siutable nutrition for us and it has a decisive influence on our health. There are different types of foods and drinks but we need to go for the choices which are essential for our mind and body. We have to take the advantage of the fruits and vegetables in order to supply the needed vitamins for our daily nutrition.
I think that eating is something very important for peole, but we have to wach what we eat so we don't develop any health problems. Maintaning a good dite is good for everyone eating more fruits and vegetables and exesising more can even help us live healther and longer.
Great comments so far on this post. What are some ways that you think you can have a healthier lifestyle? For me, I think I could eat fewer chips and probably try to drink more water (less coffee) and get more sleep as well. What about you?
jose said... Many people take better care of their vehicles than their bodies.Its good eating fast food sometimes but not all of the time,for example you can eat wendys and the next day have a salaed . Most people do need to be in shape and eat healthy like me.=]
Great comment Melendez. I like the comparison between the effort people put into keeping up their cars and the effort they put into taking care of their bodies. Nice work.
I think that it is important, because to be helthy you got to get good amount of sleep and by eating helthy food you would stay helthy.
Its good to always have healthy food ƒor breakfast,lunch and dinner. Its very importanat to eat healthy bacause you may get fat because of junk food. Peopple think its faster to just go and get something to eat at fast food reatarant. But in a couple of months this person will recognize that he gained fat, and proubably will seat on the diet. thats the most important reason why you have to eat healthy. Because diet may cause deph.
thats true is important to eat healthy food because your bones need 2 be stonger and healty food makes you grow faster.
Some good choices I have are that I don't eat any junk food until the weekend. like drink pop or eat chips. I also like to do some push-ups before i go to sleep.It helps me fall asleep faster.
Thanks Yovana for sharing a little about choices you make. It's good to reflect on ourselves so that we can see those areas that we need to make better choices. Then we can change things to keep ourselves healthy.
I think We should all have a some type of nutrition diet. Now in days everyone is eating at fast food places. I think there is becoming more and more over wieght people in our country.
Food is a eating thing and junk food taste good. it is not good for your body if you eat too much but it is fixable. People get fat or unhealthy eating junk food is because there are not exercise. they just eat and thats it. If people think there are unhealthy then they should do something after they eat or once a week. Like run for 30 min and it will feel better and it will make you sleep faster. And try to eat vegetables.
i agree with that because everyone need healthy food to build up their body, but my problem is i like every food is not healthy like Burger, Coke..... i think i need exersice to have strong body *_*
You're right Hoa. Fast food does taste good. I like chips, chocolate, candy, burgers and all that stuff too. But I think that we need to try not to eat it too often and also make sure that we get some exercise. Even just biking or walking to school could be enough to keep us more healthy.
I agree that every one should drink lost of water just like i do. I really drink a lot of water. Sometime I have to make hard decision on what I'm going to eat and belive me is hard. So make better desicions on what you eat. So you can be healthy and live to see you kids grow. Take care of your self ok.
I think nutrition is important Because We can have a better health
and better life. there are alot types of nutrition plan you can do.........
I agree that us the teens need to get more sleep and we need to eat healthy things!!!!!
I agree because having a good nutrition means being healthy. Fries and burgers might sound really goo to eat but when you eat it a lot then it gets out of control. Theres also risk of having to eat a lot of greasey food for you.
I think that good nutriton is best for all of us. Especially in our generation there is more eating outside on the streets where theres not good food for you. I personally was eating alot of fast food a couple months ago. I always felt kinda sick or not feeling well. Once i ate food from my house that my mother made I was feeling alot better then before.
I think that it's very important to eat healthly food so you can have a good nutrition and if you eat junk food then you won't have a good nutrition.
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