Tuesday, October 23, 2007

What's your take on measure 50?

Measure 50 is on the upcoming ballot for all Oregonians. If passed, it will increase the cigarette tax by 84.5 cents per pack. The money gained from this tax is then going to be used for healthcare programs for kids who don't have healthcare right now. Click here for the arguments in favor of measure 50 and here for the arguments against the measure. Make a comment about what you read and how you feel about it.


stefan said...

i think that will be really great if all the extra money from the cigarettes will be donated to the the people with different kind of problems.

Yroxy said...

I think it is good that they increase the tax cigarette,because that is a good thing so with the money they will help the kids that can't go to the doctor because they don't have insurance. By doing that they are going to safe thousands of life's because many people die because they don't have insurance.

Ellochka said...

I think its a very good idea to increase price of the cigarettes.Maybe people will start quiting smoking, because smoking is very bad for your helth: heart desease, lung cancer,etc... I like the thing that by collecting money for cigarettes goverment will help kids who's in need right now.

joanna said...

I think that it is good that they should increase the tax cigarette,because that is a good thing so with the money they will help the kids that can't go to the doctor because they don't have insurance.

rasiel said...

i think is a good thing that they mad the price increase but it still bad because people under age still smoke and thats not good but its good that the prices went up

Cachas.L said...

i think is a good thing that they mad the price increase but it still bad because people under age still smoke

David said...

I think that it's good that they do this for the kid's. I also think that they should also do it for beer to.Cigarettes and beer is one of the thing that allot of people buy here in the U.S.A.

jose luis melendez said...

I think it will be a really good idea to increase taxes on cigarette because it mite stop kids from smoking and in the same time it will help kids that have problems.

fernando said...

i thought thats a good idea. to help out kids who don't have health care it would make the world a better place.

xiomara rocks! said...

i agree in some cases. i think that its a good idea to help the kids that need health care and that the kids that really need this chance to have the health they need. also how the costumers really want to smoke its an opportunity to make them pay for good reasons but i think that it is bad because people such as teens, and adults will still be smoking. In cases it makes the world better and bad.But kids who really need because there parents cant afford it it would be the best for the kids and bead for teens and adults. So i hope its best for everyone.

yami yumi becky said...

this is going to be good because this will rase more money for kids without health care but bad cause these
people are going to mess up there health.

negar said...

they will keep kids healthy, so this is good . if they increase the tax cigarette , it will help kids . this is a good step for now and the future. this idea will help kid or others stop from using cigareette.They have to keep doing this .

lesly said...

I think it's good that they increase the tax cigarette, because that way it's going to help the kids that can't go to the doctor, because they don't have insurance.By going that they are going to help lots of kids and safe lots of life's.

Luis lopez said...

I think that it be a good idea if theres a tax increasement, because the money getting from the cigarettes will go to a good cause!

K0n$+@n+!n said...

its good that thay increset tha tax because less people will start smoking!!!

vanessa said...

i think that they shouldn't increase cigarette taxes, because none of that money is going to go to the kid's that need health benefits like go to the doctor, or the dentist. all the money there going to get from cigarette taxes all of it is not going to go for the kid's that need health benefits.

Maria said...


betty said...

hmmm...i think that its a very good idea 2 increase the amount paid for cigarettes because it'll be used for something important...

Mr. Enns said...

I think I will vote YES on this measure because increasing the price of cigarettes will help teens to smoke less and the money is being used for a good cause, namely to help kids get medical help.

hoa said...

i think that's good idea, because it have save thousand life, and it will be great if all extra money from the wine.

Emily.Z said...

i think ita a good idea because can save money to help kids without health care

wendy said...


pedro said...

Yes i agree

adriana said...

i think yes because i great we can help people medical.

Mr. Enns said...

What do you agree with Pedro? Are you in favor of measure 50 or against it? You need to say what your opinion is.

Sandra V said...

i thinke that 50% should go to heath care and helpe people that have probles snoking.

3S3 Cr@ZY said...

i think that will be really good if all the extra money from the cigarettes will be donated to the people with differnt problems.

Mr. Enns said...

Mr. bolony. Your comment sounds the same as stefan's (first comment on measure 50 post). Try to be original in your comments please.

v rizzle said...

i think it's a good idea thta the cegarette prices whent up and some of the cegarette money goes on tax and that mony is for kids that need the mony for the doctor.

Veronica villa Palomar

Hiroaki_Eda said...

That will be a good thing that they making people who smoke to pay more money to buy cigarettes. Also great that the money go to the unhealthy children's.

pedro said...

I think thats good because that helps kids that have problems smoking so they can stop smoking.

oscar aka lil pokiko said...

i think that its ok that cigarets cost a little bit more to help the peple who needs the money

yovana said...

I think this is a good thing because if you are a smoker you are kind of helping people who don't have healthcare.something negative about this is that it might make people want to smoke just to help. This what I think because my cusin is turning 18 and she said she would start to buy cigarettes just to help out.What should I say to her because it is helping but I don't want her to start smoking becuase it is bad.I try to make it a positive thig but iI can't.

Mr. Enns said...

There are definitely ways that you can help people other than starting to smoke cigarettes in order to provide healthcare for kids. I am sure that you can give money to help kids get medical care without buying cigarettes. You should tell her that because smoking cigarettes is an expensive, very unhealthy habit that's hard to break.

hottmexy said...

i think that it is very good that the price of cigarettes should go up, because then its more expensive and it makes it harder for costumers to buy them. it also is better because the percentage of people that smoke might get lower and thats a better chance for people not to get cancer for the cause of cigarettes.

Mr. Enns said...

Great point Sandy. Thanks for getting on the blog.

Lissett said...

From this article i havelearnedthinsthat i ddin't now that i thought that i knew. For examplei didn't knowthat wehadto get at least eight houreofsleeep each night . i also din't know that whilewe are sleeping our brain takeseverything that we learned in that day and puts it in long term memo. And its also true that we teens notalwayssmake good diccsions based on eating .