With Iowa and New Hampshire down, and Michigan up next, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have each won one state for the Democrats, and John McCain and Mike Huckabee have each taken one state for the Republicans.
Pictured above from left to right are Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Mike Huckabee, John McCain, and John Edwards.
Click here to read about each candidates political platform (what they believe and want to do). Find a candidate that you agree with on a topic (issue) and write a comment about it.
For example, I agree with Mike Huckabee on the topic of abortion. We are both pro-life, or against abortion. I also agree for the most part with his stance (position) on immigration. I agree with Barack Obama's policy on Iraq as well.
i dont get all this president thing....its to confousen. i think that who ever want mexicans here in the U.S.A also who ever dont want war..but i think that all i got 2 say about this president thing cuz i dont realy get..but i think i mad my ponit....
I don't know which democrat can be the better president for the UsA because all of them have almost the same ideas for the nation as immigration ,abortion and ,etc. I rather the one who cares the most about everything that has to be with immigarnts. I hope that we can have a better president to work together and make this nation much better.
i like the way that Barack Obama wants to help to get a better cleaner environment, he want everybody to a have a better more beautiful America. so in my opinion he is a great candidate.
I agree with Hillary Clinton on the topic of Principles and Valves. We both think that middle class people and working families have been invisible to the presidnt because he looks right through them not nowing how much they wokre to get what they want or need to have a good life for thier kids. I really like how she is saying that no one is invisible.
I think that Barack Obama going to win because he is popular but at he same time he is going agents Hillary Clinton because she has more vote from people that like her.
Well some words that they say about the presidents say I dont understand but I agree with Barack Obama
I dont know much niether about the democrats and liberals running for presisdent. I could just say that who ever the president could make the u.s a little better from were we are sitting at could be a big difference. It be great if there wasnt no more wars immigration efforce's and also the gas prices. Everybody complains with the gas prices! I think if the president who ever becomes changes that he or she could be a great president!
If i had to choose I would choose Obama because we need a new raise to be president. But right now i wouldn't pick anyone because they all have the same ideas about immigration if they become president. But in other side Obama wants to help the environment and wants a better state.
I think that who ever want mexicans here in the U.S.A also who ever dont want war should be the president.
i don't know anything about this!!! i think all of the poelple have very good ideas, but not all of them are going to do their ideas... que gane el mejor...
I agree with Hillary Clinton about how she wants to help kid's that don't have health insurance that can't go to the Hospital because they won't have money to pay for the bills they get from the Hospital. That's a lot of kid's over 9 million that can't or don't have health insurance. Every child in this country should be able to get help if a child is sick or hurt and they can't get help because they don't have health insurance they shouldn't charge their families money. I agree with Hillary Clinton
i think Obama is good because everypeople he can't become a president, but he won in New Hamsise. Obama really care about health and he want everyone have good benefits. I think Obama really smart.
Well I think that Barack Obama will do good if he was a president!And I agree with everything he said and everything he is planning to do in the US.
i want the girl to win or the black guy because they have good ideas
i think that the black dud should win beccuse he cares about immagrants and he can helpp us and make the U.S a better place
I agree with Barack Obama because he trying to change the history. It would be good if the history changes. I also agree with he thinking about clean and secure energy future. And about the oil.
I don't know a lot about all these thing but i read about some of democrat some have a goood point, but i think Mitt Romney he had a good point about imigration and also Barack Obama.
I think all have different ideas for imigration and for the nation.
i don't know all this people. but i think be a president. Barack Obama wants to help to get a better cleaner environment;Hillary Clinton wants to help kid's that don't have health insurance,so they can't go to the Hospital. i agree them. i hope they will make America more good~!!!
i not sure but i hope that we have a better president and meke this nation better everyboby to a have more beutiful ipinion and we both people and work and make this nation. the one who care the most about everting that has to be.
i dont really know abot this race, but i think that obama and clinton are the better for the immigrants future.
I believe that hillary clinton have a good chance to win this because she has the experience and the knoledge of her husband also she has a high percentage of votes.
I think she's a strong candidate because she has proven to be a strong woman that stood by her husband when he was selected to be the president.
will i think that all this presidant things are so cunfusing but i think Hillary Clinton should win and she would be the first girl pesident in the united states.
In each word and sentence that he was talking is a meaning. It means that everybody can be great. IT doesen't matter on how people look like, what they are or what they do. Everybody can serve, people don't need to have college degrees or to make their subject or verb agrees. People just need to have heart and soul to be great. He was a good person and he efforted and he succeeded.
i'm negative on imagration cause thats not fare just cause you don't have papers you shouldn't have to leave cause most of the United States population are imagrants cause if there wherent imarants her body would work cause the imagrants are the ones that dop the things that most white people don't want to do.
i'm negative on imagration cause thats not fare just cause you don't have papers you shouldn't have to leave cause most of the United States population are imagrants cause if there wherent imarants her body would work cause the imagrants are the ones that dop the things that most white people don't want to do.
yes i think that immigration has become a big deal now here in the us we really really heard it but now its everywhere like u even t=in the news . some people dont even know what it means and they're all taling about . some ppl are racist even though they say that they arent .
Some of these candinates have good ideas. I think they have good ideas about enviroment, society, immigrants and people.
Hillary clinton's statements are remarkable. She has good ideas.
She says that we need to work toward solutions. So they have to find a better way.
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