In fact, pharmaceutical companies (the ones making all the medications) spend twice as much money on advertising for their medications than on research and development. That means that they spend twice as much money promoting the use of their medications compared to researching their effectiveness (how well they work) and health risks (the problems that could arise from taking them).
Does it seem like the number one priority of the health community should be promoting their products or services?
Medications are being overused and abused throughout America. Does all the advertising contribute to this?
What can we do to combat the abuse of medicine? Think back to last week's blog post...if we thought more about maintaining health, instead of a cure-all pill, it might make overuse of medicine less of a problem.
I think that peolpe should just use the medication when they really need it. Most people just use it because they think that they need it, when really they do not. Using any kind of drug is a very dangeruse thing even more when you think that you know what it has.
Insted of exsersing they resarch any type of druge that they can so it can help them lose wight. Really I think that ther are other ways of trying to life a healthyer life syle. I think that we all just look for a short cut. we all have to becareful when using any druge. If the people advertising the medication do not teel us all of the information. We should not hpe for the best and let it go. We have to be smart and reaserch our selves.
i think that people are going to be useing the medication.because they think they need it but sometimes they dont even need it.they just used it to get high or to go to sleep.i really dont know how peolpe can stop this.
Well I think that its true what is written in the article. Pills are good in some way they're really helpful for our health when we're aloud to use them . Pills can be dangerous drugs for us when we are not aloud to use them.I'm afraid of using pills since I used an aspirin for a headache and instead of removing my pain I felt really weird like never I've been. Many people that are drugs addicted use any kind of pills and those pills can be drugs for them that's why they get so high.I really reacommed people who read this comment that don't use any kind of pills when is not needed because it can be dangerous.
i thinke that some people don't relly need medican people just take it because they thanke that they need it. they get sike because ther body need exorsaides.
i think taht you schould only use medacine wen u need it .and make sure to let your doctor know about the madacine ur taking.
Well people are still going o drink the pills because the start getting used to it so its gonna be hard for them to stop!!!!!Man I dont feel good right now so can I rewrite this like tomorrow!!!!!!!!!PLEASE!
i think that is bad and they should not be making to much pills that sopuse to be making u better in stead they make u even worser and then u would have to deal with the cunsencunss. i also think is bad for those people that just use them just to make thim cool and then sume of them start selling them and that is wrong. :)
Today some people use medicine as drugs they take as many hey can to feel good because they think its better to be high but is not. Some people take them because they need them but i know that some people are doing their best to not take them.....
I think that researching the pills that are advertised should be the priority and not some thing that should be ignored.Also the lack of research in the pills that are advertised have cost abuse of the pills because the money that is being spent in advertising should be used for treatments for the people that are struggling with overdosing with pills.
i think that people use medication when they need it.but also people lie about being sick so they can take the medication for no reason.
I think people should use the medication only when they are really sick.Not only for any reason they should take it or unless the doctor say's that they should take it.
I think that we all just look for a short cut. Because most people just use it they think need and really they do not. And people advertising the medicine do not teel us all of the information. I am afraid use pill. many people that a drugs addicted. we have to be amart.sometimes people just used it to get some were and they can stop.
Great comments guys. I am glad to hear that you are thinking about your health and that you realize that medication, or pills, are to be used only when they are really needed. That's a good way to think about them.
A lot people use medicine because
they are sick. i heard in the news the some kids use the medicine to get high. but i think the you should use medicine when you need it.. and not sell to Minors..........
I know some people use drug daily because they think it will make them better, they need to know that medical use when they need it and if them keep use drug like that their health will be worse. they need to more careful with what they use
i think that people overuse the medicine because probably at first they do feel bad but then they just drink it because their body wants it and not because they need it. So they really abuse it. I think that for people to really use medication they have to really feel bad enough. There is many medicine that unstead of helping you through you pain you just get addictedd to it and it ends up being worse. So i really think that scientists need to spend more time and money in the research for the benefit of people too no just them for getting the money.
Well to stop the abusing in medicine there should not be any stors that sell medicine because some people that don't even need medicine just buy it to do bad things and that might be a big pramble. Pepole that really need medicine should be able to buy it in a health care but you need to being some thing that says that you really need it maybe that could help stop the abusing on medicine. Medicine is not some thing you can take if you don't really need it because it can case lots of dangeruse.
I that people should look at some other way of been healthy and getting cured. Such as eating right and doing sports or simply just going out for a walk. I think taht people shouldn't take pills just because they think it's good for them, when they really dont know if they are dangerous or not and it can cause something to you when you really dont need to take them.
I think that people should only take pill when they really need it. If people take more than they need they could really messed up there liver.
Medication is a really big problem, so many people are taking antibiotics, when they really don't need to. Why is that bad? well because the bacteria becomes immune and the antibiotic would not work for the next time some one gets it, and it takes a it of time to create another antibiotic, so a lot of people could be kill by bacteria. People should star working out and eating healthy, so they can be healthy. Oh and one more thing is that all of us [humans] need to sleep well, at least 8 hours so our body and mind can recover from any harm. X_x
People shouldn't use medicine often. They should just use medicine when they really need it. Some people use medicine when they don't need it or they think it will make them better. Medicine is not for making you better, medicine is for trying to make you feel better. They are more then one ways to get better from sick not just medicine, you just stay in bed and eat healthy food. One more thing is trying to loose weight by taking an medicine or drug. People think it is helping them but it not. It makes the weight go down but it makes your body week, drink it once and you have to keep drinking till rest of your life and I'm sure that there is more then one way to fix it.
I think that when people realy need it they should buy it but people that just want to use it for drugs shouldent buy it.
I think that people should find other way to get cure. Most of the time time people use medicine when they dont need it. They should do exercise.
I think that people sould buy medication wen they need it, but if you dont need it dont buy it your chose buying medecin for nothing because if you buy it you could hurt little kids because they dont know wat is it.
I think people should not take medication only when they need them.
Wendy said this actually...
I think people should only buy medicine to cure the diseases that you have and not just worry about what they can do to you of courses you have to read the label first just to make sure u get some thing you don't need it like for example you need to cure a cold and you get something for your foot.
i think that people know the risks of taking medicines,but they don't care about it,they tink that if they take the medicine they will feel better. And i also think that people are really sure that taking medicines are going to make them feel better so when they take it, they feel better andit is not really because of the medicine,it is because they really believe it.
This blog was really interesting. Is amzing how all this people spent a lot of their money to promote medicaition. If you buy medication from t.v. you don't know if is going to helpl you,, you just think is true because theres people saying that is true that they cure their sickness. Don't belived every thing you see on t.v.
Well, I agree as well that there is a lot of advertising going on. They are making people think about pills that make you lose weight just in a couple of weeks. It might be true it might not be. But most of these medicine might be not tested right or figure what affects could happen to people trying these pills. Also I have my mom sometimes watching t.v. and we watch an advertisement on the t.v. about pills getting you skinning in just two weeks. They make it so beliveable that people just fall to a big sickness by taking these pills. I also saw these funny advertisement about males men able to use a perfume that would make girls attracktive to you by using this perfume.
i think we don't need use medication very often. like you sick, you get cold. i think just a cold you don't need to use.if you really sick. then you can use it.sometimes just like other people said.THEY THINK THEY NEED IT BUT SOMETIMES THEY DONT EVEN NEED IT.THEY JUST USED IT TO GER HIGH OR GO TO SLEEP.
I think people should start thinking about their health more because when they don't need the pills they shouldn't take them. That could effect their health and they could get really sick so they shouldn't take them.
oOoppss!!! I don't know again... hihi... i think that some people buy and take medicine because they don't have enough money to pay a doctor's appoinment... I also think that the people think that if they have a headache, just drinking a pill they will feel much better...
I think a lot of people do drugs so they can look cool or get of stress. But if you buy drug medicine it should only be used for health not for selling or for fun. I think that if you really need drug medicine then get it, but if you just want to use it for fun, then whats the point of using it. Pills are healthy if we need it, but to get high is not a way to use it.
I think we should get medicine only with doctors prescription, because we dont really know what we are buying and how it going to effect on us. We may excidentely owerdose with medication, or it may cause allergy. We need to be carefull with buying unsafe medication withoout prescription of the docto. Companys should spend more money on testing the products that they are selling to people and less money on advertisement.
I think people when they here some type of new medication that came out they go try it, and that's where I think they mess up there body system. just becaues it says that it's going to do this that it will make you feel better but it could turn out into life long term conditions or death. Or some people just take it to feel good like a drug. The only pill I take is IB Profen which I only take it when my head hurts or I have pain in my back. I think people should resarch any type of medcation before they want to take it. So then peolple won't be dying or having any type of problem.
I think people should do things like that to us because we the medicne that stuff is not free of corse. also i don`t like prosreption anyways but the one thing that I`m mad at is that my mom has to that those drugs to lower her blood pressure and i tell her way do you have to take those dum things they don`t work for me no...!!!! BYE BYE...!!!
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