Every year 50 to 100 million animals are used for scientific experiments worldwide. Animals are used to test many products from medicines to new surgical methods to beauty (cosmetic) products, like eye shadow and lipstick. The testing often results in the animals being seriously injured and killed. The most common victims of animal testing are rabbits, guinea pigs, rats, and mice, but dogs, cats, monkeys, pigs, birds, and horses are used as well.
The reason scientists give for using animals in testing is to make sure that products are safe before they are used by, or on, humans. However, because of the differences between animals and humans we still can't be sure that they are completely safe for humans. For example, products that have been shown to work on a rabbit in testing might still be harmful to a human being.
Many people feel that modern technology has advanced to the point where animals are not the most safe and reliable method to test new products. In addition, animals that have already died could be used instead of live animals, much like medical students use cadavers (dead human bodies) to practice on, prior to becoming doctors.
It is the opinion of the authors that animals shouldn't be viewed as products or resources, but as beautiful creatures that should be allowed to live free lives. Animals used for testing are taken from their natural habitat and placed into cages with hardly any food or water. In our opinions, animals should be respected and treated with love and care and NOT used for animal testing.
What do you think? Share your opinion about animal testing. You can do your own research if you like before you write your comment.
There are many videos on animal testing that you can find on youtube, but be prepared to see pictures of animal testing that are disturbing and gross.
***This information was researched and collected by Rebecca Linares and Candra Mondragon. Their opinions are also reflected in the above post.
Wow...... thats what was in my mind when i saw the numbers in animals getting tested every year! Well.... in my point of view I think that there is two sides of this. One its helpful because you rather have a animal die then a human person right? So i think that its best to use animals then humans themself. The other part is that well its harsh to use a animal and then it dies because you exprientmented on it and caused death to the innocent creature. So i think that there should be another method invented so you dont have use animals to see if products work or not!!
Well I think it's wrong because I hate how people think that animal testing is a good idea but they don't know that animals are some what like us because they feel pain,they get hurt, they cry, and they bleed, just like us. I know that some peple think that animal testing is saving humans lives it might but they get tortuer,they get stab,they get burn,and cut them open and it not the rigth thing to do because can you think of if someone was doing that to you. STOP ANIMAL TESTING!
i thanke that for some testing is good but for dum this is not good also i sow the video i din't like it
also alot of animals are dieing because that some of them are extinct they sopose to helpe those animal not kill them that my oppnion on this blog.
I also have the same opinion as the person who wrote this, about using dead animas unstead of live ones. In my opinion I think it is very cruel for such innocent creatures to suffer for us to end up hurting ourselves as well. For example there is some make up that helps and looks good on your skin but soo enough it damages you natural beauty. So i really think it is useless to use animals for testing. All this tests are making our environment worse. like the stuff that its made kills animals on the testing and also damages our environment when the product ends up to be usefull. And as the document says there is nothing that guarantees that the product will work. I just think that animal testing is awefull.
Oh my god its not right what the scientist are doing to animals and its way to much animals getting killed .I think they should stop doing that or would they like people experimenting them like what they do to animals.Animals are innocent I dont know why we are doing this to them.
i agree with u guys becuse they cant defend them selves and they are like us the eat they sleep just like us and thats not faire becuse they dont hurt us or nothing and for what to try products that end up not working and we as pepole have to find the way to stop animal testing becuse we dont who is? so lets try doing something and not waite for tommarow becuse we can save a innocent creature today SO STOP ANIMAL TESTING
I think is a good idea they use it on animals first because if they use it on a human then the human would die but at the same time they shouldn't use it on animals because their just killing and hurting animals....
that was sad so may animals died they saold not be doing that to animal they are just killing them and they should not do that it's sad for me to now that when people evnt new thing they have to try it on the animals and when they dont work and try it on animals and it kills them that kind of sad to now that they should treat them with respect and love.
i think that it good that they try it on the animals first.because it better if animals died then humans.so i think that they should keep on doing it to animals.or just stop salen the products.
I believe that we should bring a stop to any kind of testing that can harm animals. Animals are liveing things just like us. They should have the right to live just like a human. Animals feel pain too they just can't talk that's the only diffrence, but we should keep in mind that animals have feelings too. We live in a country that "cares" or at least they say they do, but if tey care about animals than they're going to want to put an end to this.
I think that animal testing is bad, but at the some time its for a good use. If they dont test it on animals then what should they test it on? If they dont test it then it would not be safe for us to use.
I have seen and heard many bad things but never have I really ever payed attention to the animal testing.This is a big issue that our country has. Having so much money and still doing testing on animals is a not right. We have to come up with a new way of testing our prouducts. why is it that we can not see that we are not treating the animals with disrespect.
Another thing that bothers me it that the animals are in cages and do not have enough food or water. The least that they can do is give them what they need to sevive. ONe of these days we are going to feel bad that we ever did this kind of things to animal. This also causes animals to die . What is going to happen when all of the animals are gone and there are no more??
There shoul be a new kind of method to how we as a county are going to fix this problem. This should not be allowed and should be made illigal.
I think that there are two sides for this issue. One of them is that its sad seeing animals die because they're getting tested. The other thing is that if they would not test on animals how would they test all those things.
There are lots of technology now but I think thatwould not help in this kind of staff.
i think they should stop the animals testing becausethe animals wound safe the world so if the lick stick those not work or get you sick then go to the doctor but dont use animals for testing how come they dont use them self
i think that there should be another method invented so you don't have use animals to products work or not. i hate people think that animal testing is a good idea but they don't know that animals are some what like us they feel pain and they get hurt i think the other part is that well its harsh to use a animals.
i think it is not good to use animals gerring tested. but if we don't use anilmals sometimes it is bad to us. i think people can use little animals to use tast. like rats. don't use dog,cat, monkey. i think there will be other things we can test. maybe someday we don't need use animals angmore.
I think that they should make a law to pretect animals thank can't treat animals like that. I think that they should finb other ways te test their products. I think that they shoul pay pleople to test teir products.
I think test on animal is not a big deal, because it's safe for people. if we want to stop test on animal, what's we gonna test on?. Human???. you know what some where on the world some they test on human, some of them are death, some are really painful. that cal:"human guinea pig"
go to this link and you can read more about "Human guinea pig" : http://www.beaconbroadside.com/broadside/2008/03/on-human-guinea.html
Well I think that animal testing the life of the humans. Because we eat animals, touch, and even have as pets. If they don't test the animals and we eat it, or touch and we because sick or died then they don't know what is the disease is coming from. They do animal testing to help us to live and have animals as pets.
Looking at the viedo was really sad, and really gross. These poor animals you can tell they were in really bad pain and went through a lot of pain. It's really sad how they do animal testing on dogs, cats, monkeys, and even horses. I think they should do animal testing on rats and mice only. rats and mice we have every where, but other animals like dogs, cats rabbits shouldn't be allowed to get tested. I think that no animal should be tested on animals are just like humans they feel pain they get hungry they cry. except that there animals. I think that test shouldn't be allowed period.
I think we should do something for all that animals and make a law to protect them and make a law to protect all the animals. And they should find other ways to test their products and stop killing innocents animals But we need to know the they do that for us and I think we kill animals too because we buy these thing if we don't buy the product they will stop kill a lot of animals.
But I think the is better to sacrifice animals than Human.
i think that animal testing should stop because of many reasons. but at the same time i think that it is good because if they don't have anything else to test it on then they have the animals.
olga says ; I think that what they are doing to the animals is a bad thing because they have feelings too.
wOoOoOoOoOoOw!!! I think that it is correct, but at the same time its a bad thing, because doctors or scientist need something to try their experiments... if they don't use animals, they could use humans, and that could be harder for most of us... but they are so smart and they have to find another method to try their experiments that don't affect the animals...
I hate people who test chemicals on animals, i wauld kill them all for that, I love animals and it hurts a lot whan I see people harm animals. I think if a person is hurting animals, this person can hurt a human, im scared of thesde kind of people, i would put them in jail for that, it should not be legal!!
I think that animal testing is a good thing becuase if they did not test it on animals who would they test it on. If they testes on people it would be dangerous.
i think that animal testing is not good. they shouldn't test animals. it doesn't mean that because animals can't talk they don't have feeling, they do they have feelings. and when they are killed their family suffer too they cry they don't like to see their friends go. they could test other things like dead people or dead animals but not animals that are a live.
I think that animal testing is not good because I think that they should find other ways to test their products in its sad to see the animals die and animals are like humans they feel what we feel.
Will I think that animals should'nt be used. I mean how do they know that animals have pain, when they don't want someting they will cry. For example if they try lipstick on an animal, it might work, but there's also a chance that when they try it on a human it could burn them or something. The aniamsl to to this world not to be tortured but to have a life in the wild. I mean you would have to be a cannibl to do this kind of stuff
i think they should keep on doing animal test for curers and not for products.If people keep killing animals maybe some day there wouldnt be any more animals. They shouldn't test animals. It doesn't mean that because animals can't talk they don't have feeling, they do they have feelings.
Well... on my point of view is, that in a way i think is right and another is that i think is wrong but we have to chose on what position you are going to stand on. i stand on the position that animal testing is right in a way. Humans do not want to get harm on any product they used, or even the medicines. You don't wan to die etheir, and if something goes on bad. You will going to say that it was there falt and they have to give you money for what they did. So what did you have to say about that? Many of us eat meat, you search on you tube how they kill animals that you eat examples cows, deer, etc... They get hurt as well. Really bad, there death is so painful but then again we still eat them etheir way. I say then keep on doing it, but when we find a new method make it illegal.
i think that if we didn't have animals we had to use human and the human would die.
Why do we fight for our own freedom and rights but when it comes to something that is defferent from us in some way like animals we take advantage of? We take them out of their own habitat for our own ammusement for products that are proven not to even be safe for humans like comsmetics that are tested on animals? This does not make sense.
I think that it doesnt have two sides. It has one. You are killing animals, but when you think of animals you think mice, birds, fish. But in reality dogs, cats, horses, "NON-HUMAN" primates are also used. In the United States 56 to 100 million cats and 56 million dogs yearly. And in the U.S. every 5 seconds 15 animals die. In the U.K. only one every five seconds. The U.K. have better laws and are better inforced than the laws on the U.S. I mean you watch tv and see people get arrested for crulty to pets but we let animals get killed in labs. Thats a double standard. Doctors asked what they thought of animal testing say that the possiblity that the animal tests are not going to benefit humans. We have better alternatives. We dont have to act like savages to get what we want. So before you buy a product that says not tested on animals read the stuff in it. Because Assuie the shampoo says that it dont test on animal but they do in a off way. So if you hate men and woman who murder. And you believe that murder should be keep outlawed. Then why should the people who kill animals be right. And let free. Why should it be legal. The question is not would you prefer to save a mouse or a child? The question is Why not strive to save both? Why be forced to choose between two evils?
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