Monday, May 26, 2008

Nature and Stress

Information for post retrieved from the following sites:

Natural surroundings have been found to reduce stress in children and adults alike. It has been shown through a number of studies that being out in nature, or even just looking at greenery (trees, bushes, flowers) through a window, helps a person relax and even increases attention span.

I have a garden in my backyard with a lot of flowers and other types of plants. I find that being out there pruning (trimming) plants or even just taking some time to walk and look around is very relaxing. We are also growing some lettuce, peas, tomatoes, and herbs in our small backyard garden. It is surprisingly fun to watch a plant grow from a seed to the stage where it flowers or bears fruit.

Here are some suggestions for using nature to reduce stress and anxiety in your daily lives:
  • Take walks - Get some sun and fresh air, but also make sure to look around and notice trees, bushes, flowers, and small animals as you walk.
  • Find a Park - Take time to hang out in a local park every week. Maybe take a frisbee or soccer ball with you.
  • Plant a Garden - Plant something outside, if you have room, or inside, using a flower pot. You might be surprised how fun it can be to grow something.
  • Make time to be outside - Everyday spend some time outside doing something.
  • Adopt a Pet - Pets have also shown to reduce stress and improve health, plus they are a reminder of nature.
Even without much time we can still make sure to notice the nature around us as we drive or walk around during our daily routines. Get out and enjoy nature and you will be less stressed!

What do you think? Leave a comment.


lesly said...

eWell I do think nature is every relaxing because when my mom comes form work she always goes outside to relax and to see the trees and flowers and when she told me that I told her she was rigth. I think looking at nature is fun, you get to see different kinds of plants and you also get to enjoy it. Nature is like the place that you can always relax and have a great time. I personaly think nature is much better then going to the spa beacuse in a sap you do relax but nature is more enjoyable and fun to be at then a sap and I know that some people dont think that but I do.

Hiroaki_Eda said...

The flowers, trees, natures make people relax and calm down. I think park, outside, backyard is great place to relax. It is better than rekax in your house. I sometimes go to my backyard and relax, I just go sit in a chair and take a nap haha. Or go to the park and hang around.

nereyda said...

I agree with you I think that nature can help us to relax of many stress and I love nature.Now that is summer I'm always out of home like in the parks,rivers or doing excercises. In my house my mom has flowers everywhere she loves to be sorrounded of flowers and everybody in my family loves nature. I rather being in a park taking a walk than being in the mall or in a theater doing nothing.I always try to maintain nature clean because it is beautiful.

yovana said...

I think that is true because every morning I'm vert tiered and not want to wake up, It is very hard for me to do. When I frist step outside I feel that I have a lot more enerjy and I feel more aweak. I enjoy going walking to school I also like to look around and look at the plants and try to rememeber thier names.
Every time I can I try to go outside and just walk around. I also sometimes when I have time and do not have homework I go take a walk with my mom. She also like s to be outdoors and is tring to stay healthy. Being outdoors is a good way to relax. Nature has a lot to afore and it is fun just being able to out side.
I know that many people do not like to be outside during this kind of weather, but we just have to wait a little more and then we can be outside for ever because summmer is comimg soon!!!
(: SUMMER OF 2008 :)

vanessa said...

It is true the nature is relaxing when you are going through really bad stress. When I get stressed out I like going to the park walking around looking at the flowers, trees, plants, and bushes that are around there. You get fresh air it relax's me I also like taking my little cousins and my little brother to the park to play around with them. Playing with them at the the play ground controls my stress. It really works I really like going when it's sunny enjoy the sun.

Anonymous said...

i agree nature or any outside activity is very very relaxing.
i try to spined as much time outside as can.just the other day i went flower hunting it very fun and relaxing.
but it not as relaxing or fun when it rain.

K0n$+@n+!n said...

People that dont go outs alot are mostle the ones that ars stresst out all the time. But people that spent moste of ther time out side with nature are the ones with bater health.

MANUEL said...

i thick that the people that are out side more are more healthy because the fresh air from the trees so your wealthy then the people that spend time in there house can get easy sick because you dont have fresh air.

vazquez said...

I think that trees and flowers help you to relax. I think that the goverment should build more parks so people can go do exercise. When im bore i go to the socer field and practise some of trikcs to relax.

pedro said...

I love nature i like to relax outside .I try to spened as much time outside as can.just the other day i went flower hunting it very fun and relaxing.

Emily.Z said...

i think plants, natures make people relax and feel better. To relax are very important. it make you healther and happy. At weekend i always go to my back yard see some plants to relax. In China,people said watch more green plants, it good for your eyes. I agree. When i looking green planes my eyes feel i think relax is very good.

Anonymous said...

Well I think is good ideo to go to the parks or some beatiful places to relax because the stress can kill you and many people in
United State are stressed about bills or other things. I am going to start to go to the parks to play soccer or do something to relax. I am not stressed just sometime when am bored....The nature can help you a lot, not just flowers.

adriana said...

I think looking at nature is fun you get to enjoy it and nature is much better because they relax and is more enjoyable and fun to be at them and i think park outside backyard is great plece to relax sometimes my cousin go to backyard and she relax the flowers trees natures make people relax and calm dow.some people don't think that but i do.

Sandra V said...

i thinke that nature is relaxing because you get fresh air and you don't thike abut your problems that you have. some times you solve a problem that you have. some times it helps you when you have a bad day you just go out side.

Unknown said...

I like to watch plants grow, but I hate planting them, my mom loves to grow tomatoes, cucambers, peppers, strawberrys, we have 6 fruit trees, some of them died because of tractors atacks. Forest is the only place where I can relax, i like the smell of the forest, mashrooms, and look up at the tall trees and blue sky! I like nature, thats why i love to go camping, and i camp alot during summer time!

yuli said...

i agree with all that i read i think it is very true that just by looking at a green tree or by just walking takes you stress away. and also make you be relax. i don't agree with the thing that said adopt a pet. I don't like pets so just walk and go out and relax that life still continues. relax and be a happy person. smiling helps a lot with stress.

stefan said...

I think that everybody know that flowers and other natural things make people relax bacause it contains a lot of clean oxigen and its also fresh. A lot of people have a lot of vegetation in their backyard and front sometimes and they have flowers, trees and ther kind of vegetation...

Unknown said...

I do think that flowers, trees, nature, make you feel relaxed most of the time when a person doesnt go outside that often they get depression.

David said...

i really like nature.I like to hang outside i can relax with my friends.i think they should make more park or just some where nice where we can relax and have a good time.

yami yumi becky said...

I think nature is one of the most beutiful things in life. I think it's something very relaxing for the human body. I think that we shouldgo out to walks insted of waching T.V. or being on myspace or youtube for so long. This can also help us maintain a more healther lifestyel.

Cachas.L said...

Nature is help as to relax and come down like ats so peiceful when u go to the forest n see the tress n flowers and ur house wen u see how the flowers r growing n u can go outside n relax.

Erik/febrek said...

Take walks - Get some sun and fresh air, but also make sure to look around and notice trees, bushes, flowers, and small animals as you walk.
Find a Park - Take time to hang out in a local park every week. Maybe take a frisbee or soccer ball with you.
Plant a Garden - Plant something outside, if you have room, or inside, using a flower pot. You might be surprised how fun it can be to grow something.
Make time to be outside - Everyday spend some time outside doing something.
Adopt a Pet - Pets have also shown to reduce stress and improve health, plus they are a reminder of nature.

Mr. Enn. I like the way this sounds. I also enjoy being outside, and i love to play soccer stay in shape and all that. But what i think is sports aren't what i'm ment for, well maybe i am but i think that i'm just going to get focus on school. Instead of soccer, why? because i don't really think that i am going to become a profecional, so i think that you shouldn't waste time on something you aren't going to become or work for the rest of your like. Anyways back to the subject. "Boys and Girls get out there and start enjoying life with your friends, and if you don't have friends then make some" =D

hoa said...

i think nature help you relax. i am not really like plant and flower, but when i tired or tress i often go outside, get some fresh air, i love to play table with my brother, when i am not go outside i alway relax by listen to music, play game. i think if you do something that you like that will make you relax

luna said...

I think that nature is a important part of us, in some ways that's what keeps us breathing. The plants around us are what keeps nature alive, when feling sad and deprresed, or simply happy and joyful, it's nice to go out and see what nature is all about. Looking around and seen that there are many different things around that you can see.Nature is a good important thing to look forward to when you don't have much to do or just simply go out and see whats out there.

pedro said...

Nature its good fore every one because its goood for u and other people how loves nature. nature is good fore relaxing and its good because you can go out side thats way i think nature its good.

Luis lopez said...

I think that nature does take a lot of stress. I myself experienced it already. When ever I go camping or drive thru a place full of trees and grass it feels good and smells good as well. I think that its a very healthy thing to go out at least once a week take a walk thru a park and release your stress! Thats my goal for this summer to at least go once a week run thru the park or jog.

Unknown said...

the nature is good for people because trees makes the oxygen and the grass is good for animals so they could eat it and i dont think nature is relaxing. but all i know is that people say that nature is tight.